Target shooting is a fun, accessible and fast-growing sport. Popular with both boys and girls, and suitable for disabled and able-bodied children.
With regular practice, target shooting increases skill and coordination, confidence and self-discipline, teamwork and friendships.
Spring 2025 Kent classes are booking now at Ashford, Hildenborough, St Pauls Cray and Sevenoaks. Try it out with our 2-week trial for only £60.
What we do
- Training in air rifle and air pistol for ages 8 to 18, running during school terms
- No equipment fees and full use of the school’s high-quality air rifles/pistols
- Participation in county-level and national competitions for ambitious competitors
- Friendly and supportive environment for those who shoot just for fun
- Skills training for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards
- DBS and NSRA accredited instructors providing expert individual tuition for every child

Aim Further

Hit the Mark

Stay on Target
With expert training and practice, target shooting is a very safe sport. And your child’s safety is our number one priority.
Ten things we LOVE about Target Shooting!

1. Lots of fun!
We love our sport, and our students do too! Our young shooters enjoy the unique challenge of aiming for accuracy and honing their skills, as well as the opportunity to be part of a fun and competitive environment, tailored to a range of ages and abilities.

2. Sociable and welcoming

3. For everyone!

4. Supports physical development
Our target shooters need stamina, upper body and core strength to safely handle a rifle and keep it steady while aiming. Even if they don’t start with these, they’ll quickly develop them.

5. Improves focus
You don’t just need physical strength to shoot, you need plenty of mental agility too. Our young shooters improve their focus, resilience and attention skills while practising shooting.

6. Increases patience
Young target shooters also learn how to be patient; able to plan their next shot with a cool head as well as managing their time effectively.

7. Provides purpose
Some children don’t enjoy mainstream team sports, but individual sports like target shooting can give these children the chance to enjoy an activity that plays to their strengths, while still nurturing collaboration skills.

8. Sets personal goals
Young target shooters are encouraged to set personal goals as they improve, which contributes to a real sense of achievement when they reach them.

9. Promotes teamwork
Target shooting is far from just an individual discipline – it has many elements of a team sport, teaching your child how to lead others, support them and rely on them.

10. Completely safe
Any sport can be dangerous if people are reckless. Our pupils learn to use rifles responsibly, focusing on theirs and others’ safety on and off the range.
Meet our coaches

Mal, Target Shooting School Principal
Mal was introduced to rifle shooting at a young age by his dad, a member of the British Army Intelligence Corps who later became a teacher. Mal developed his skills by experimenting with different distances and different targets in their rural back garden.
Intrigued by the history of shooting both as a leisure activity and a military pursuit, he went on to gain a degree in War Studies at King’s College London, where he discovered precision target shooting at the university’s shooting club. He was rapidly promoted to Club Captain and began training new members.
After graduating, he took the role of Head of Shooting at a prestigious private school in Kent, where he spent 15 years as a coach transforming novice beginners into highly accomplished junior shooters.
Mal’s ultimate goal is to make shooting accessible to all, including those outside of a private school education, and so Target Shooting School Kent was formed.
Having been part of the Kent County Squad for the past 20 years, Mal continues to shoot competitively at County level, around his work with TSS.

Dom, Target Shooting School Coach
Dominic is a shooter and coach with close to a decade of competition experience at international level. He holds Grandmaster grades in Shotgun and Mini Rifle, and is the current British Champion in the latter. He has been selected for the GB National Squad for several World Shoots.
He was introduced to the sport by family, cadets, and experience days, but his interest really gained traction when he discovered Practical Shotgun, just over 10 years ago. He progressed rapidly, developing skill and consistency, and rose to become a practical shooting instructor.
Practical shooting is a sport which tests both accuracy and speed, demanding that the shooter finds good balance of the two. Dom’s input to the classes has resulted in a fusion of styles that are complementary, introducing fun speed-based games, as well as exploring how embracing speed safely can help students to learn to trust their diligently crafted skills.
Target Shooting School has developed a shooting approach which has been especially helpful in developing Dom’s own proficiency in competing, while introducing many more young people to the sport.
Want more information?
To find out more about our two 2-hour Intro Sessions, please fill out this short form, including your preferred location, and we’ll get back to you with further details.